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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » My podcast BALLYCAST with some tips to control balloon crowds (1 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Arlington, Virginia
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Profile of rossmacrae
Control them? Just maybe!

Listen to

and maybe use this list (from my episode script)

Speaking of summer activities, before I retired I'd often get hired to do magic and balloon twisting at company picnics, usually in local parks. Since the crowds were so large I had to develop and post a sign with my “Balloon Rules” and swear that they came down from the higher-ups and rely on them to fend off the more annoying among the crowd. Here are the rules:

1 — Adult supervision is required. Do not give to children under 8! CHOKING HAZARD!
2 — You must be here to get one.
3 — One balloon per person. You can have another after everyone has been served once.
4 (and this is in bold all caps) — I DECIDE WHO’S NEXT. Smiling people right away, pretty girls as soon as possible, annoying people later (maybe never).
5 — When it’s time for me to stop, I have to stop. Yes, really! I’m sorry if you came too late, I’ll take you first next year.

The sign did a surprisingly good job of taking care of the worst annoyances. The other big help was doing balloons first, putting my supply away in the car and returning with only my magic props and no balloons.

(Sigh) I never want to deal with the public ever again.
See the BALLYCAST Sideshow Blog & Podcast

There is no "way to peace." Peace is the way.
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So.California / Centl.Florida / retired Florida
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Profile of Russo
I did balloons for a while -but hated when after giving it to a child -they popped it, later crying. So I learned to cartoon, each child was asked what kind of an animal they would like. I put their name in the upper left corner - Drew the picture and - NO POPPING. Received MANY calls for Parties , because in the lower right hand corner was my name and phone number. Child would take the picture home -on the refrigerator door it went, mothers would later call me for a Party. One time was asked to draw a 'tomiciem' (Spelling ?) - not knowing what it was, I drew 2 mice looking at each other - said "2 mice, see em", laughter - later found it meant a 'one cell animal'. Have fun
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This topic comes up regularly on the Facebook Group Balloon Twister Central, and twisters from around the world share their ideas.

For inquiries on large events, I ask how many people they expect to attend, and usually tell them that they will need multiple twisters.

I will also recommend that the balloons be an extra charge to the guests rather than free.
Having a balloon menu will be helpful.

And if they don't want to hire multiple twisters and/or charge for balloons, I won't hear back and if I do, I'll turn it down.
I may recommend that they get 10 adult/teen volunteers, and I will teach that group of volunteers how to make a basic balloon dog or sword. And have the volunteers make balloon animals.
The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Ballooning 101 » » My podcast BALLYCAST with some tips to control balloon crowds (1 Likes)
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