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The Magic Cafe Forum Index » » Tricky business » » Make sure you confirm your bookings (9 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Fedora
Here's an odd thing that happened recently, I was doing a show for a private affair at a civic center. Half way through the show, a guy walks in through the door.

He was pretty well dressed, and my client jumped to her feet, and took him outside to talk to him.

She would miss most of the rest of the show.

Afterwards, I ask what that was about. Turns out, it was another magician. She had contacted him before me, and decided to go with me instead after we spoke.

Apparently, he took whatever communication they had as a confirmed booking (she says she never confirmed a booking with him) and drove all the way here for the show.

Based on his location on Google, this would have took well over half an hour to drive to for him.

This is why it is really important to do a few things. First, it is a good idea to get the details in writing as a contract. Even if you choose not to have one, make sure they agree to all the terms directly and don't assume they agree.

Give a call or message ahead of time to make sure everything is good. A few folks don't respond for some reason, but the vast majority will answer your confirmation, and quickly.

This lady was always fast to respond to me, so if he contacted her at all it would have saved a lot of gas and frustration.

Also, any kind of deposit is a pretty good sign you actually have the booking.

I don't want to share to many details on the off chance he reads the forum, but bottom line, make sure you actually have the gig before going to it.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Sunny judge him too quickly as you have only half the story.

That being said yes all the things you mention, while common sense, quash most of these issues in the womb. I’m just not sure who would not do those things just as a matter of course. Well apparently at least one guy.

But if you are a person talking a ton of email and phone inquiries a day things like this can fall through the cracks and not doing the things you mention really do make it possible to happen.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Mindpro
This happens more often that you might think, especially with those using Gigmasters/The Bash and other such sites. This is also what happens when the performer doesn't speak directly to the client live by phone rather than just email and text communication.

So many people try to avoid the GM/Bash (and other similar services) booking fee by getting the lead then taking the deal offline directly between the performer and the client. What happens is others that the client is dealing with that will pay the GM/Bash fee, hear the client say "thank you, that would be great" and mistalenly think since they are willing to do so, they have got the booking.

One of my coaching students was also at a gig several weeks ago, all set up and sound-checked, dressed, and literally 10-minutes before the show another performer shows up claiming he had been corresponding with the client and was booked. She at one point got confused when my student spoke to her and she said she wanted to confirm him, and to send the contract. Then the next day the other performer called her wanting to sew up the booking. She, believing he was my student, told him everything was all set leading him to believe he was booked (again, not through the GM/Bash system). She had been barraged with so many responses to the GM/Bash lead, she got overwhelmed and confused. She was never expecting such craziness.

In the end the other performer refused to leave and she paid him of them. In the end she paid both of them.

Again, when executing business properly, this can easily be avoided. The other guy didn't have a contract and never asked for a deposit, so he really had no ground to stand on.

Again, it all comes back to the way you conduct business. Even for kids/family performers. Actually, especially for kids /family performers!

Part of the booking process is to educate the client which also will helps prevent this and make you look like the professional.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
The first word of my last post should be don’t.

That being said the more people try to automate absolutely every part of the business transaction, the more things like this happen. I don’t know this was the case but I’ve seen it happen a lot.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Arizona, usa
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Profile of Fedora
I see how that could happen, I'm not on the bash, but on Gigsalad I sometimes get messages obviously not meant for me.

That being said, any kind of followup would likely reveal the error.

One thing I started doing on these sites is to open my messages with my name. This is because one time on Yelp a person started writing things to me after I sent a message. And it was definitely not meant for me, or any other professional person.

I believe they got the text notification and didn't read the header. Making sure they know they are talking to you and not their friend from work is also a good problem to avoid.
Mary Mowder
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Profile of Mary Mowder
Just because a client readily contacts you does not mean they will return someone else's call.

Some clients will ghost you if they don't want you which can leave you in an unfortunate limbo, especially if you are at the mercy of a possible bad review if they thought you were booked and you don't show up.

It is important to have an "our booking is not complete unless these conditions are met" kind of statement in writing. It can seem overly officious but it's needed.

I also respond in slightly larger print in blue. It gives my email a different look which I like to think makes me more memorable. Being a Woman may make it easier for me to be remembered but I have been at more than one gig where a 2nd Magician showed up (and they only wanted 1).

Clients are often overwhelmed. If you've ever done a gig and forgotten what the Hostess/host looked like for the final check out you probably understand. (or is that just me?)

"Magical Mary" Mowder
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Clients are often overwhelmed. Yep.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of TomBoleware
No matter how many times I have confirmed the deal in advance, my policy has always been that I would never consider going to a business appointment or meeting of any kind without first making a quick phone call or sending a brief email or text the day before or the day of the scheduled event. This last-minute communication serves a couple of important purposes. One, it allows me to confirm the appointment and ensure that the other party is still available and ready to meet as planned. Things can change quickly in the business world, and a simple confirmation call or message helps avoid any miscommunications or mix-ups that could lead to a wasted trip or a missed opportunity. Additionally, it demonstrates my respect for the other person's time and my commitment to being a reliable and considerate business partner.

Number two, this pre-appointment outreach gives me a chance to briefly review the agenda, ask any last-minute questions, or share any updates that may be relevant to the discussion. A simple “I’m calling to make sure I have the address correct” can prevent many problems.

Mary Mowder
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Inner circle
Sacramento / Elk Grove, CA
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Profile of Mary Mowder
I agree Tom.

I send a touching bases Email with a copy of the Confirmation of Booking & Details and request that they check it over and call with any questions.

I don't always get a response and I don't really ask for one unless there are issues but I know they have been reminded.

- Mary
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Profile of danfreed
A double booking happened to me like that 25 years ago, I knew the guy, to keep things friendly we both did a half show and split the money, no big whoop. If it's for big money or out of town, that's another story. Helps that I have a unique stage name (The Amazing Spaghetti) as opposed to guys who use their real name.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
On Nov 12, 2024, danfreed wrote:
A double booking happened to me like that 25 years ago, I knew the guy, to keep things friendly we both did a half show and split the money, no big whoop. If it's for big money or out of town, that's another story. Helps that I have a unique stage name (The Amazing Spaghetti) as opposed to guys who use their real name.

Cool way to handle the situation man!

No joke.

Sure if it was bigger money or high with expenses you’re right different situation.

I think in the situation above he was on stage so no real time for the discussion. But hats off for your solution. Keeping friendly in your business community is always a good thing. Says a lot about who you are. Much smarter to take less money and have the client see you both this way than be greedy and argue and who knows how you would be perceived? Not a great situation to be in, but you seemed to make the best of it. Both of you.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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