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Mark R. Williams
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I will try to find it and get out a photo and some more information.

I was trolling the pages here and ran onto this thread. I thought with all the good information out there that someone would be aware of this set. But, they seem only to be aware of the later Reiss sets. I have almost all of the others and have good info about them but have never run across any info on this early set.

"One more step on the pathway of Knowledge, that is if we don't break our leg crossing the street"
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Profile of knoaker61
The Reiss magic was what I started on too. I have been collecting the Reiss magic and Tenyo magic since I was a kid and I love this stuff. Even today I still use some of it in my shows. It's a very well made product.
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Wow! I decided to do a search in this forum for AMAV as I owned all the Great Houdini sets as a kid. There were two or three others that were not mentioned in this thread. Next time I go to my parents place, I'm gonna dig them up and take pictures to post them here. The one not mentioned had a Cone of Plenty (Cornucopia), Wonder Wallet, Rabbit sponges (two big ones and 4 small ones), 3 cups made out of plastic instead of paper, a see-through glass with a mirror in it, a bunch of gaffed cards and other standard props from the other sets such as white paddles, etc.

One thing that I noticed wasn't mentioned in this thread about the AMAV sets is that in addition to the tricks that were included in the original sets, they also came with a booklet of 60 card magic tricks and a marked deck. The booklet had some tricks that used the marked deck, but most tricks didn't require the marked cards. I can't remember for the life of me any of the tricks, but I remember many reuqired some set up of the deck which if I were to do those tricks now, I'm sure I could compensate with a few false shuffles.
Mark R. Williams
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OK, MANY months later and I found my "Reiss" Magic set....only my memory was extremely faulty. It was produced by NOT "Reiss Games" but "Gamut of Games" in 1974 and is No. 602 by their box. I still have NOT found another one and found very little of this company. It may in fact have been bought out by "Reiss Games" in the seventies. Attached is a picture of the cover.



Click here to view attached image.
"One more step on the pathway of Knowledge, that is if we don't break our leg crossing the street"
Mark R. Williams
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Here is inside the box.


Click here to view attached image.
"One more step on the pathway of Knowledge, that is if we don't break our leg crossing the street"
Nephew of Owner of Reiss Games
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Ok My Uncle was Part Owner of Reiss Games, It was run by Bob Reiss and my uncle Manny Lefkowitz.
My father worked for them, I grew up on the showroom floor of Reiss games. I think it was on or off 5th Ave in NYC.
If you have the magic kit, Wonder Wallet Act, There is a blonde girl and a black curly head boy.

I am the boy on the Box, Its me!!!

After Bob Reiss and My uncle split up and left and Paragon bought the business around that time. My father ran Reiss games for a few years.
It wasn't the same after they split, the fun was gone. It was just a business being run into the Ground by a bad company.

I was searching the web for a pic of the box I am on. I can't find any, I think I am hurt lol

Thanks for the memories

Nephew of one of the Part Owners of Reiss Games
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Profile of markymarkmagicuk
Such a great read was this thread. I remember buying the 110 tricks book that came with free deck, also bought the rising cards and a few other individual items. One thing I remember as a kid (late 70s) was the packaging looked so magical too, from what I remember, nice gloss black and bright coloured prop pictures. Still remember the shop I bought from (long gone!!!). I still have the book and STILL use routines from it even now.
Glad others have fond memories of this company too. Aaaahh..
DC Magic Man
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Profile of DC Magic Man
Wow! This was my first start in magic with Reiss Magic's The Young Magician's Club! My parents signed me up from Parents Magazine and I received a new magic set and newsletter every month. It was great learning magic history from the newsletters along with the thrill of mail order mysteries arriving each month! Of all the sets the most original and unique had to be "The Magic Candle." A chosen card was revealed by popping out of a lit candle on a small arm. It was great! Magic with Cards was included in the subscription and it got a lot of use. Much gratitude for installing such happiness in a young boy's life so long ago!
David Garrity
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Does anyone have a photo of the box or contents of this kit?
ADVANCED MAGIC Style No. 957 (1977) Easy-to-Perform Professional Illusions

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Profile of cosermann
Been away from the forum for a while (life happens), and just happened back to this old thread. Thanks for all the additional info!

On Oct 6, 2015, David Garrity wrote:
Does anyone have a photo of the box or contents of this kit?
ADVANCED MAGIC Style No. 957 (1977) Easy-to-Perform Professional Illusions


David, if you're still looking, I can provide a box photo and a list of the "14 Classic Tricks" from the manual.
David Garrity
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That would be great! Thanks so much!

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Profile of cosermann
Here's the pic of my ratty box. Still have the manual and maybe 6 of the original effects from this kit. (It was pillaged by my nephews at my folks house sometime between my leaving for college and getting married - one of whom is still working with cards, so it was worth it.).


From the manual, the "14 Classic Tricks" are/were:

1. The Chinese Sticks
2. Disappearing Water
3. Can and Glass Transpo
4. Linking Rings
5. Two Card Monte
6. Vanishing Coin
7. The Production Box
8. The Ring Release
9. Miracle Sponges
10. Tear and Repair Newspaper
11. Flash Cash
12. Walking Through Ropes
13. Magic Measure
14. Multiplying Ball
David Garrity
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Yes! That's it, that's the first kit I ever got! Wow, time to set up an ebay search.

Thanks so much for posting that.

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You're very welcome! Other than a bit here, and a bit there (like Marshall Brodien's TV Magic Cards), I think my first kit was the Hat Full of Magic (Reiss).
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Hi. I am 14 years late to this topic. But was just hosting a party where it the hat full of magic came up. I was the boy on the box and typed in hat full of magic into Google. This form came up. Glad to read that the box was of good quality vi had a lot of fun with it all. The Reiss folks were great and let me play with the tricks for a while before shooting. I still have my magic button and three kids that look just like the boy on the box
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