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Eternal Order
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Profile of Decomposed
When he hit the lady with the cards, that was also considered an assault.

Just a thought.
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Profile of R2
I am embarrassed for all parties of this tale.

The proper thing to do if this "Ever" happens is to stop the show and get the attention of the host or manager of said establishment. They are to call the authorities if an assault takes place or remove the offending individual, if he is disturbing the perormer or others in the audience.

If the host fails to follow a proper course of action, the show shall be ceased immediately.

If this incident really occurred,
Ron Jaxon and the owner/owners of the establishment have put themselves in a position to have legal and financial liabilities due to an lapse of good judgement.

Entertainers should and must carry liability insurance to cover performance liabilities.
If you pay for this insurance, I am quite certain that any thoughts of similiar actions will quickly depart from your mind as a "Businessman" much less as a performer.

How should you feel? If you need to ask us well then.....nevermind.
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Profile of Automark
Best option in my opinion, for things as this. Not jsut stop the show but actually point out the guys fault. DUDE! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!!! You hit that women?! Mam are you alright. Get that guy out of here! Anything but punch a man. If it came to physical .... I would have escorted him myself. Physical contact is ok if done properly .... striking or acosting someone is where you were way wrong. As you know. But subdueing or restraining someone is not. Just a thought.
Review King
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Profile of Review King
This story never happened. It's made up for attention.
Do you know what it takes to punch someone and knock them out?

If it did happen, they both should have been arrested for assault.

I think we're being taken in here.
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Dove84
It does seem highly unusual that nobody called the police. If the tale is a fabrication though why in the world would he say he hit a man who was sitting down? If you're going to lie wouldn't it make more sense to say the guy took a swing at you and you responded? And why would you make up a story like this in the first place? What could you possibly hope to gain from it. I don't know, but I'm leaning towards MagicChris' opinion that this never happened.
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Profile of WR
On 2004-10-06 16:49, Dove84 wrote:
It does seem highly unusual that nobody called the police. If the tale is a fabrication though why in the world would he say he hit a man who was sitting down? If you're going to lie wouldn't it make more sense to say the guy took a swing at you and you responded? And why would you make up a story like this in the first place? What could you possibly hope to gain from it. I don't know, but I'm leaning towards MagicChris' opinion that this never happened.

Magic urban ledgen? Smile
"Tell Em WR sent Ya."
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Somerset, UK
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Profile of andyhurst
When I saw what he did. The deck hitting the lady in the face and him laughing. I just exploded. I punched him right in the jaw and knocked him out.

And then you woke up?

Andy Hurst
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Profile of Jaxon
Yup, I made the story up. Posted it here on the public forum to purposely hurt my reputation. Right before I released a couple of new tricks. HEck, I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm a nice guy.

Come on now. Yes, my first post was an exageration of the event as far as knocking him out. Knocked him down is what I should have said. The police weren't called. You don't know how many times I've seen fights in bars and no police where called. Often the ones involved will just be kicked out. The police are usually called when the situation gets out of hand. Yes, all fights are "out of hand".

Regardless of what everyone is thinking of me. I did not post this post for attention. I get plenty of that. Sometiems more then I want. I don't frequesnt this section of the board very often but take a look around in other areas of the board. Mostly the "Threads, reels and anchors". I've had two effects hit the market recently. I'm only mentioning that now to make the point that if I where to make this story up "for attention" then it would do me more harm then good.

Weather you think it's true or not. I honestly don't care. I was there and otehrs where there and they know. They're the only ones that matter as far as truth. I posted here because I've never had an experiance like this and I didn't know how to feel about it. One would think they would feel tough to hit someone. I mean for a guy like me who avoids fights at all cost. I've never been a big guy. We hear of guys getting in fights and bragging about it. After this situation one would think I would feel tough. I didn't, I felt terrible. Hence the title "How should I feel".

The good news is it's out there now and some of you have shared some great advice. Honest opinions and maybe someone will think of it at a similar moment.


Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
Bill Hallahan
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Profile of Bill Hallahan
You made a mistake, although the man certainly deserved it.

Now you know you do have a temper, as do most of us, so you can plan ahead to remain in control next time instead of reacting impulsively.

You'll be fine. It's a mark of your goodness that the incident upset you.
Humans make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to create boredom. Quite astonishing.
- The character of ‘Death’ in the movie "Hogswatch"
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