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Bill Ligon Inner circle A sure sign of a misspent youth: 6437 Posts |
Artifacts are a major portion of an American-Indian reser-
vation's economy. Annually, thousands of tourists visit reservations and most will not leave without purchasing at least one memento of the traditional Indian culture. One enterprising Indian was able to outsell his competitors in the sale of wooden dolls by selling them at only a fraction of the cost others had to charge. On examination of his dolls they found that where traditionally hard wood was used, this Indian would use cheap pine on which he glued thin pieces of fine mahogany, thus being able to produce the dolls at only a fraction of the cost. While he claimed his dolls were still authentic, his com- petitors complained that it was only a cheap Sioux Veneer.
Author of THE HOLY ART: Bizarre Magick From Naljorpa's Cave. NOW IN HARDCOVER! VIEW: <BR>www.lulu.com/content/1399405 ORDER: http://stores.lulu.com/naljorpa
joseph Eternal Order Please ignore my 17443 Posts |
George Washington and Martha were walking past Ben Franklin's house, when George noticed a giant wreath on the front door...
"What is that thing on the door, Martha?"... "Oh, that's a wreath of Franklin's"...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Dynamike Eternal Order FullTimer 24148 Posts |
Check out this April Fool gag thread: http://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/viewt......um=15&36
joseph Eternal Order Please ignore my 17443 Posts |
A penguin walks into a bar, goes to the counter, and asks the bartender, "Have you seen my brother?" The bartender says, "I don't know. What does he look like?" ...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Eric Lott New user Michigan 85 Posts |
On 2009-03-12 18:07, Bill Ligon wrote: Bill, I don't know what it is about this joke, but I laughed harder than I have laughed in a LONG time. I think this has become my new favorite joke. Thank you! |
B Hackler Special user 778 Posts |
Why is six afraid of seven?
because seven eight nine. |
joseph Eternal Order Please ignore my 17443 Posts |
Did you hear about the weekly poker game with Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Leif Eriksson and Francisco Pizarro? They can never seem to beat the Straights of Magellan...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Bill Ligon Inner circle A sure sign of a misspent youth: 6437 Posts |
When I was a kid I wanted to be a comedy magician, but everybody laughed at me!
Author of THE HOLY ART: Bizarre Magick From Naljorpa's Cave. NOW IN HARDCOVER! VIEW: <BR>www.lulu.com/content/1399405 ORDER: http://stores.lulu.com/naljorpa
Eric Woods Regular user Kansas City 115 Posts |
A Rabbi, Preacher and a Monk walk into a bar, the bartender looks at them and asks "Is this some kind of a joke?"
joseph Eternal Order Please ignore my 17443 Posts |
Last night I played a blank tape at full blast. The mime next door went nuts...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Eric Woods Regular user Kansas City 115 Posts |
What did the ocean say to the boat? Nothing it just waved.
joseph Eternal Order Please ignore my 17443 Posts |
Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund?
Someone told him to get a long little doggy...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Bill Ligon Inner circle A sure sign of a misspent youth: 6437 Posts |
Lots of people play bridge, but it takes a cannibal to throw up a hand.
Author of THE HOLY ART: Bizarre Magick From Naljorpa's Cave. NOW IN HARDCOVER! VIEW: <BR>www.lulu.com/content/1399405 ORDER: http://stores.lulu.com/naljorpa
ed rhodes Inner circle Rhode Island 2904 Posts |
The failed performer finally went to a psychiatrist to talk over his problem.
"Why am I such a failure as a performer!" He asked. "There are two reasons why you are a failure." said the Doctor. "The first is that you have a deep-seated lack of self esteem." "What is the second?" the man asked. "You also have a deep-seated lack of talent!"
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
Bill Ligon Inner circle A sure sign of a misspent youth: 6437 Posts |
Ha-ha! Good one! I caught me by surprise.
Author of THE HOLY ART: Bizarre Magick From Naljorpa's Cave. NOW IN HARDCOVER! VIEW: <BR>www.lulu.com/content/1399405 ORDER: http://stores.lulu.com/naljorpa
trickytrav Veteran user 391 Posts |
I went to the doctors this morning for an examination.The doctor told me I had to stop masturbating and I asked why.He said because I'm trying to examine you.
Eric Woods Regular user Kansas City 115 Posts |
What might you find in a burned down barn? Crispy Critters.
joseph Eternal Order Please ignore my 17443 Posts |
The nurse said to the doctor, "There's an invisible man in the waiting room." The doctor replied, "Tell him I can't see him now." ...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
ed rhodes Inner circle Rhode Island 2904 Posts |
Two Native Americans, Falling Rocks and Running Deer are vying for the hand of the chief's daughter. Finally the chief says the brave who can bring back the most pelts will win. Both braves leave the camp. Six months later, Running Deer comes back with 300 beaver pelts. As Falling Rocks never comes back, Running Deer wins the hand of the chief's daughter. Falling Rocks is never seen again. To this day, throughout Southern California, you will see signs that read; "Watch Out For Falling Rocks."
"...and if you're too afraid of goin' astray, you won't go anywhere." - Granny Weatherwax
Eric Woods Regular user Kansas City 115 Posts |
Some beer drinking buddies were hunting for deer. They saw a sign that said "Deer Left" so they went home.
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