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A beautiful girl was knocking on my door all night. Finally I had to let her out.
Northern California
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Profile of Dynamike
The magician wanted to be a marriage counselor. He never took any classes but he was married 8 times.
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
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Profile of Father Photius
There was a man who had worked all of his life and had saved all of his money. He was a real miser when it came to his money. He loved money more than just about anything, and just before he died, he said to his wife, "Now listen, when I die, I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I wanna take my money to the afterlife."

So he got his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died, she would put all the money in the casket with him.

Well, one day he died. He was stretched out in the casket, the wife was sitting there in black next to her closest friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said "Wait just a minute!" she had a shoe box with her, she came over with the box and placed it in the casket.

Then the undertakers locked the casket down and rolled it away.

Her friend said, "I hope you weren't crazy enough to put all that money in the casket."

She said, "Yes, I promised. I'm a good christian, I can't lie. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him."

"You mean to tell me you put every cent of his money in the casket with him?"

"I sure did, " said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account and I wrote him a check."
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Profile of hbwolkov
When does friday come before thursday? In the dictionary.
Northern California
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
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Profile of Father Photius
A woman's husband dies, and rumor is he had a healthy insurance policy. A few weeks later a friend sees her and asks her how she is doing. The woman answered, "Well I'm doing well enough, I just hope that I can make ends meet now that I've only got one income." So the friends asked "Didn't your husband have any insurance?" And the widow answered, "Oh yes, but there were some expensese that ate into it. The policy was for $500,000, but the hospital bills were $20,000, and the funeral was another $20,000. Then, of course, there was the memorial stone." The friend asked, "How big was the memorial stone?" The widow held out her hand and said, "40 carats".
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Profile of Dynamike
My jokes are so corny they can be used for making whiskey.
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3672 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
Little Billy wanted a bicycle for his birthday. When he told his father of the wish, his dad replied, “Billy, we have to make a mortgage payment of about $1700 every month,
Your mother just lost her job and my salary has been reduced at my job. I do not think we will be able to afford a bike at this time.”
The next morning Little Billy was carrying a suitcase and starting to walk out the door when his father seen him, “Billy, where are you going?”
Billy said, “Last night I got up and went to the bathroom and I could hear you and mom talking. You said you were getting ready to pull out and mom said to wait for her because she wanted to come too. Well, I will be darned if I’m stuck here with a $1700 mortgage and NO bike!”
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17161 Posts

Profile of Father Photius
Dear mum,

I am writing you this note to say that I haven't been honest to you lately.

I have a boyfriend, his name is Dragon and he lives in a trailer in the woods he wears biker clothes and deals Ecstasy.

I am moving in with him and I am four months pregnant.

His friends will come over all the time so I can get a little frisky with them.

We will make a living out of growing drugs and selling them to Dragons friends as are both already drug addicts, we will live a life of drugs and beer.

Wish us luck

I am at the neighbors house, all of the above was a lie I just wanted to let you know there are worse things in life than my report card which is in the top drawer.

"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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17443 Posts

Profile of joseph
Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk.
Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
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Profile of Father Photius
Definition of a child: something that comes half way between an adult and a television set.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Eternal Order
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Profile of joseph
Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity,
they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish?...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17161 Posts

Profile of Father Photius
I want to thank the little old lady from Iowa who sent me that three legged milking stool. Now if you will just send me another card and tell me which legs to milk.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Inner circle
3672 Posts

Profile of Wravyn
It was opening night at the Orpheum and The Amazing Claude was topping the bill. People came from miles around to see the famed hypnotist do his stuff. As Claude took to the stage, he announced, "Unlike most stage hypnotists who invite two or three people up onto the stage to be put into a trance, I intend to hypnotize each and every member of this audience."

The excitement was almost electric as Claude withdrew a beautiful antique pocket watch from his coat. "I want you each to keep your eye on this antique watch. It's a very special watch. It's been in my family for six generations." He began to swing the watch gently back and forth while quietly chanting, "Watch the watch, watch the watch, watch the watch ..." The crowd became mesmerized as the watch swayed back and forth, light gleaming off its polished surface.
Hundreds of pairs of eyes followed the swaying watch, until suddenly it slipped from the hypnotist's fingers and fell to the floor, breaking into a hundred pieces.

"Crap!" said the hypnotist.

It took three weeks to clean up the theater!
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17161 Posts

Profile of Father Photius
A missionary went to a canabal tribe and tried to convert them. In the process he taught the chief of the canabals to play a piano he had brought with him. The chief was an excellent student and after a few months had mastered the art of playing the piano. The chief enjoyed playing on the piano every day, but grew bored with the missionary and threw him in the stew pot. After a few more months the high humidity of the jungle began to effect the piano and it fell out of tune. So the chief called one of his runners and told him, "I want you to go down to Cape Town and bring me back a piano tuner."
So the runner takes off and runs all the way to Cape Town and begins to search for a piano tuner. Fearing the Chief's retribution, he was very careful to pick out someone who he felt was the best piano tuner in all of Cape Town. Upon return to the tribal village the runner introduced the piano tuner to the Chief. "Chief, I went down to Cape Town as you ordered and searched hight and low for the finest piano tuner in the town. I personally examined the credentials, integrity, reputation, and experience of each piano tuner. This man comes from a very fine family who can trace their lineage back to English and French nobility. His entire family moves in only the best and highest circles of society. He has seven University Degrees. He has won awards from both national and world wide organizatons for philanthropy. He is world recognized for his expertese in piano tuning. He is absolutely the best piano tuner I could find."
The chief looked at the runner and growled, "I didn't want a tuner with good taste, I wanted a tuner that tastes good."
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Eternal Order
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Profile of joseph
Old? .. When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick. ...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17161 Posts

Profile of Father Photius
Mr. Pappas owned a restaurant. One day a Jewish Rabbai came in to have a coffee, when he went to pay Mr. Pappas told him, "No charge. Clergy never pay in my restaurant." The Rabbai thanked him graciously and the next morning when Mr. Pappas went to open the restaurant he found a package outside of the door, inside was a beautiful copy of the Old Testament in fine print and bound in fine leather, with a thank you note from the Rabbai. "How nice", Mr. Pappas thought.

Next day a Roman Catholic priest came into the restaurant and ordered some baklava and coffee. When he went to pay, Mr Pappas told him again, "No charge. Clergy never pay in my restaurant." The priest thanked him graciously and the next morning when Mr. Pappas went to open the restaurant he found a package outside of the door, inside was a beautiful gold cross with a thank you note from the priest. "How nice", Mr Pappas thought.

The next day, a protestant clergyman came in and ordered a sandwich and coffee. When he went to pay, Mr. Pappas told him, "No charge. Clergy never pay in my restaurant." The minister thanked him graciously and the next morning when Mr. Pappas went to open the restaurant he found a package outside of the door, and inside was a beautiful copy of the New Testament and a thank you note from the minister. "How nice", Mr Pappas thought.

The next day a Greek Orthodox priest came in and ordered Gyro, Mousaka, Slouvaki, wine, Greek coffee, and Baklava. When he went to pay Mr. Pappas told him, "No Charge, Father. Priests never pay in my restaurant." The priest nodded a thank you and left. The next morning as Mr. Pappas approached his restaurant from a great distance he could see what appeared to be a great black sea outside the door of his restaurant. As he got closer he realized it was 200 Greek Orthodox priests waiting for him to open.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Eternal Order
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Profile of joseph
I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.. Not screaming and
yelling like the passengers in his car...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Father Photius
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El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17161 Posts

Profile of Father Photius
How many mystery writers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two, one to screw it almost all the way in, and the other to give it a surprising twist at the end.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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Eternal Order
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17443 Posts

Profile of joseph
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing...
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
Father Photius
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Grammar Host
El Paso, TX (Formerly Amarillo)
17161 Posts

Profile of Father Photius
Question: What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Answer: Anyone can roast beef.
"Now here's the man with the 25 cent hands, that two bit magician..."
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