the great sandooba New user jackson, wyoming, usa brrrrr 7 Posts |
Spent the whole afternoon lurking and browsing around the Café. you see I am pretty partial to Cafés as I
own(ed) a restaurant, sandoobas, near ft. lauderdale- -at least before the hurricanes. as many of our "customers" were kids and their moms, I dug deep into the closet and resurrected just a few of my old magic books and tricks. I am pretty old, and the fingers aren't what they used to be, but with my chef's toque, and cook outfit I was still able to fool 'em. I have been a member of IBM for a lot of years, but since retiring (a second time) to wyoming I miss not having a "ring" anywhere close by, and a place to chat. I think maybe the Café is the place to hang out. look forward to visiting with everyone. so please look for me around the forums as I look to relearn a lot that has been forgotten. russell, the great sandooba |
Bob Sanders 1945 - 2024 Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama 20504 Posts |
Welcome aboard! If you have only retired twice, you may be younger than the rest of us, but you'll fit right in. My daughter is out at the Wyoming ranch now getting horses ready for winter. The ranch is in the SE corner. We claim the closest town is Ft. Collins, CO. (Take your lunch! It's out there.) I know your pain about no Ring nearby. There is Ring 2100. In Wyoming, the exposure you worry about is not magic. The Café may well be your answer. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. The coffee is hot and folks friendly. We look forward to your posts. Enjoy! Bob Magic By Sander |
paisa23 Inner circle 7293 Posts |
O.K. I also live in wyoming. I am stationed out here in cheyenne airforce base , I have heard about the ring in fort collins but here is my fear, I'm 25 and I was doing magic since I was 17, but I have been off of it for about a year and a half now. I am trying to get back into it really seriously.But I'm a little skeptical about trying to join I remember that to join IBm you have to perform and , altough I am pretty good to layman , I might not be able to cut it for magicians. It might just be a fear of mine.. any advice?
June 22 2012 9:02 AM baby Usnavi was born!
http://twitter.com/paisa233 http://www.facebook.com/people/Wilder-J-Rua/505202382 http://www.myspace.com/wildrua |
Dr. TORA Inner circle TURKEY 1439 Posts |
Hi There,
Welcome to the best place about magic ever.You will find this as a invaluable source that you can not buy even with money. The people are so friendly as well as being helpful.The Café is such a the unique place for Magic. It is ever expanding and has nearly 17.000 members throughout the world. It will make a great contribution to your magic perspective. Do not forget to post often. You will find many new friends and many new ideas here. I predict you will like the Café.Please grab a chair and begin to type your next post while you have a cup of strong Turkish coffee on my bill.
Magically Yours,
OZLEN TUNCER /Dr.TORA Have you visited my new Website in English, yet? www.magictora.com or www.torasmagic.com |
paisa23 Inner circle 7293 Posts |
I'm trying to get orders to turkey. where are you from exactly, I think I want to go to "incerlick" sorry for the misspell.
June 22 2012 9:02 AM baby Usnavi was born!
http://twitter.com/paisa233 http://www.facebook.com/people/Wilder-J-Rua/505202382 http://www.myspace.com/wildrua |
the great sandooba New user jackson, wyoming, usa brrrrr 7 Posts |
I think if you want to send a message to Tora, you have to send him a private message. he probably is not checking this thread, but I could be wrong. to answer your earlier question, I also have not been associated with a ring for quite a while. I would tell you that I would not be apprehensive about joining again however. like the Café, everyone is very helpful- -even if you are an advanced beginner or just starting out. I found that joining the magic community helped me get over my initial stage fright, or doing something wrong. Just practice a lot, watch others, and ask for help if you need it; you will not be disappointed. as for Turkey, I will leave that to Tora. |
paisa23 Inner circle 7293 Posts |
Ok I got you . thanks I see that they arehaving a show or something here in the end of december.. do you think you will be going? if so let me know .i might see you tomorrow.
June 22 2012 9:02 AM baby Usnavi was born!
http://twitter.com/paisa233 http://www.facebook.com/people/Wilder-J-Rua/505202382 http://www.myspace.com/wildrua |
paisa23 Inner circle 7293 Posts |
Sorry I didn't mean tomorrow I meant "there"...
June 22 2012 9:02 AM baby Usnavi was born!
http://twitter.com/paisa233 http://www.facebook.com/people/Wilder-J-Rua/505202382 http://www.myspace.com/wildrua |
the great sandooba New user jackson, wyoming, usa brrrrr 7 Posts |
Have not heard anything about a magic show in cheyenne. do you have details?
btw, I live in jackson and we are about 6 hours away, which isn't a big deal by wyoming standards- - -except when it is snowing and I80 is the road to hell. you never know however, so tell me what is planned over there. |
paisa23 Inner circle 7293 Posts |
No I'm sorry I was not detailed it is in Fort collins
http://www.prestodigitators.com/index.php Thats what I was talking about.By theway where fo you go to shop(magic)
June 22 2012 9:02 AM baby Usnavi was born!
http://twitter.com/paisa233 http://www.facebook.com/people/Wilder-J-Rua/505202382 http://www.myspace.com/wildrua |
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