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Jason Cardwell
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17 Posts

Profile of Jason Cardwell
Hi! I'm coming to the dining room from Georgia, USA. I've been married 13 yrs, and we have a nine year old boy, and girls ages six, three, and one. I serve as associate pastor in a Southern Baptist church, and have been performing magic for around a year and a half.
So far, I've only done freebies like family birthday parties, church events, end of season parties for my children's sports teams, and such, but I have done back-to-back shows for the two halves of my son's elementary school, totaling about 300 students. None of these free shows have led to any paid gigs yet, but I keep hoping.
Now that I've started exploring magic on the Internet, it seems like there's just too much stuff out there! How could I ever cover all the good information out there? I know at some point I'll probably need to specialize, but for the time being I'm still exploring the different areas of magic. I don't want to close off anything just yet!
I look forward to exploring the Café. Thanks to all of you who have contributed to this place!

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South Africa
2257 Posts

Profile of Wolflock
Greetings From South Africa Jason.
Welcome and I hope you enjoy all your experiences here. You don't have to specialise if you don't want to. I don't know everything and I have been doing Magic for 18 Years. I dabble a bit in everything.


Pro Magician & Escapologist
Member of JMC (Johannesburg Magic Circle)
South Africa
Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
20504 Posts

Profile of Bob Sanders

Welcome aboard The Magic Café. It appears that you have already discovered the vast source it is for those of us with an interest in magical entertainment.

From time to time my wife Lucy and I come to Georgia from Alabama to perform and enjoy watching others do magic. Georgia is loaded with good magicians. Now we know a new one we didn't know before Thanksgiving. We look forward to reading your posts on The Café.


Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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1439 Posts

Profile of Dr. TORA
Hi Jason,
What a nice story & introduction...Welcome to the best place about magic ever.You will find this as a invaluable source that you can not buy even with money. The people are so friendly as well as being helpful.The Café is such a the unique place for Magic. It is ever expanding and has nearly 17.000 members throughout the world. It will make a great contribution to your magic perspective. Do not forget to post often. You will find many new friends and many new ideas here. I predict you will like the Café.Please grab a chair and begin to type your next post while you have a cup of strong Turkish coffee on my bill.
Magically Yours,


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