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Profile of bob#1
There some tricks that I want to do but my mom wont allow it any advice on what to do
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Profile of SOHartist
What kind of tricks won't she let you do? Needle through arm, nail through hand, etc? Or vanishing a coin or floating a ring, etc?
But my advice on what to do is, just respect her and do what she says. When you move out on your own you will have your own "rules."

Just my 2 cents,
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Profile of calexa
Before someone can give you any advice, we need to know what kind of tricks you are not allowed to do. I could for example understand her not allowing you to do some bizaare tricks involving death, the devil or other macabere routines.

But first, inform us about her limitations.

By the way: how old are you?

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Profile of Chrystal

Some of the members brought out some good questions. We need more info before we can answer fully. There are some effects that have the potential to do you harm if not used properly. Hey, she's being a mom and just loves you. Still it doesn't take away your frustration but if you showed her you have a genuine interest and read some magic books it may help. (not saying you don't..sorry if it sounded that way)

I meant if she saw you reading and talking about magic, before you tried any effects she'd be more open to it. Again, it really depends on what is it you wanted to do. Let us know more!

Good Luck!

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Profile of itexus
Lol.. your mon wont let you Smile

(sorry about that line, but I laughted so I fell off
my chair) XD

If it isent any satanic ******** or nothing that can harm you
or anybody else you need to put a foot to the ground and say
something. Overprotecting mothers is satan.. I have seen
consequences of that, trust me..
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Profile of bob#1
Well I'm tryin to do tricks that involve food like cranberrys not dangerous she dosent care about dangerous stuff as long as it is not satanic I wouldnt do that stuff any way thanks for the tips oh and calexa I'm 15 thanks again
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Profile of calexa
My Mum always used to say: "Don´t play with food". So I can understand your Mum....

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Profile of Whitewolfny
Sounds to me like she may be worried about stains from the cranberrys on clothes or carpeting. I'd be concerned about that myself. Will she let you do any magic, such as cards, coins, silks, etc.?

One thing you might want to do is let her read some of the threads here at the Café about magic. Let her know there's lots of magic out there that is safe and non-staining. Let us know how you make out.
Braxton Mannar
<BR>Just an old dog trying to learn new tricks Smile
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Profile of blindbo
At 15, you listen to your Mom and take it with a smile.
You realize there is at least one other trick that doesn't use cranberries, don't you?
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Profile of ClouDsss
IMO its best to listen to your mum's advise

there are tons of good tricks that you can do which I believe your mum will be absolutely fine with.

By the way, wat trick were you planing to do with cranberries?

PS: at ur age, I would recommend staying away from fire effects thou.

Think outside the box, cos people are all thinking inside now!! - ClouDsss
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Profile of BlackShadow
Look at what your Mum does for hobbies and in her spare time and politely reason with her that you don't tell her what patterns she should knit, what she must cook, or what tunes she should play on the piano. Say that you'll buy your own cranberries and practice in the garden if she's worried about the mess. Most mums will listen to reason. If she doesn't, vanish her until she sees sense Smile

PS If you are having difficulty with vanishing Mum, vanishing yourself is almost as good!

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Profile of Mrbimble
Yea you mom is...well you mom. She has her reasons. If she puts her foot down then move on to something else. Its not worth the headache to fight over trivial things.
Jerry M.
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Do it in the bathroom and flush away the evidence!
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Profile of Magicmaven
My mom too. For instance, I cant juggle knive, chainsaws.. or do the effect with razor blades coming out of my mouth. Soooo, I don't do them, lol
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Profile of WhiteAngel
My father is a preacher and was strongly against me doing magic. I finally got him to let me show him one effect. He was hooked. He realized that I was not doing witchcraft, and that what I was doing was putting a smile on a lot of otherwise frowning faces. Now, I even do magic with a gospel theme for his youth group! Maybe she doesn't understand quite what you are doing. Talk to her in a RESPECTABLE way and inform her on what you are doing and learning. I'm not saying to tell her how you do your effects, but just let her see what you are doing. Make sure your magic does not interfere with her grocery shopping, lol, and stay respectable. If you sher her respect, she is more likely to respect waht you are interested in. Hope that helps!
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Profile of Jaxon
The only thing my mother told me when I first started in magic and use to make things disappear is, "Don't you use that to steal anything!".

Ron Jaxon

After regaining my ability to hear after 20 years of deafness. I learned that there is magic all around you. The simplest sounds that amazed me you probably ignore. Look and listen around you right now. You'll find something you didn't notice before.
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Profile of bigchuck
Just find some type of magic that you think your mom might like and show her that -- let the cranberries wait a few years and then when you go off to college you can practice your cranberry routines, study all the cranberry magic you want and ultimately be known as 'the cranberry kid'

... and here I thought I would corner the market on this relatively new and unresearched branch of magic Smile

Just goes to show you -- you always gotta watch your back.
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mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows. - Frank Zappa"
Kent Wong
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Profile of Kent Wong
You're asking the wrong people. If you really want to change your mom's mind, you have to understand WHY she doesn't want you to purchase the items in the first place. Once you understand her objections, you may be able to overcome them. If not, then respect your mother's limits.
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Rob Johnston
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Ok...where are the cameras?!
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Profile of snap
I am fifteen as well and also have to abide by my parents rules. my mom's biggest problem with my magic is the amount of money I'm spending. are the cranberries a little bit too expensive? you aren't by any chance buying imported cranberries, are you? Smile I think you should definitely reason with her. if nothing works, then I think you should just obey what she says until you're old enough to make your own decisions. but by no means show her any form of disrespect (anyway, that's what moms are for right? to rule our lives)
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